Monday 26 March 2012

Tweet Tweet!

The shakespearean twitter chat, I believe wasnt too big of a success. The real omy never showed up, and not everyone put full participation into it which in turn didnt result in a good group chat. Although this was the case, there still were a few posts that I truly did believe were accurate. Sam Browns, first post about 'Why Students Hate Studying Shakespeare', - "Shakespeare is difficult do to the fact that language is evolving everyday, whether it is beneficial or not, it is always changing" I believe is very accurate. Up to this date, I learn new diction and grammar about how you write and place words in a sentence. In the Shakespearean era, they spoke very differently and the way they place the words in a sentence can easily confuse you. That is a logical reason to why students hate studying shakespeare ( Because they simply DO NOT get it!). 1 post that I slightly disagree with would be Kelly Allens post on 'what is your worst memory of studying a play of Shakespeare' - " worst memory: having to stand in front of the entire class while attempting to read Shakespeare out loud." I actually kind of appreciated having shakespeare be read aloud because it helped me understand some of the context when it was read aloud. Definately agree with the standing in front of the class part! AHH!

Personally, I dislike reading Shakespeare aswell. The one thing that has helped me get through highschool english are the Shakespeare for dummies books. On the one side of the page is the original text whereas on the other side there is normal english context. It is much easier to look at and read. It allows you to not get frustrated when you cannot understand a part of the play.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Technology Of The Future!

After reading about the 10 Important Technology Skills Students Need for the Future, I learned that I need to acquire a number of these skills in order to help out my own future. Even as I was growing up, there was a bunch of things that I did not know how to do, and when I attempted to search them through online and software searches, I was unsuccessful in my research. 9/10 times I was unable to locate the answer to my questions. So I definately believe that knowing how to search for things online properly aswell as the help and support searches that you need to answer hardware questions would benefit my future with faster and better searches. Another area of technology that I would benefit from learning would be typing. My typing skills are quite poor and it takes me longer than the average person to type up a report or essay. I am only able to type with 1 finger on both hands, so using the full range of the keyboard with all my fingers would speed up the time it takes for me to write up a report. 1 thing that I do believe is a forte of mine would be security on the interweb. I try to keep all of my files, pictures, contact information etc.. as private as possible. I believe this is a key step in my learning in technology so that the most information possible can be kept private.... UNLIKE the creepy lollipop!!!!!

Sunday 18 March 2012

Titus Andronicus

Titus Andronicus consists of multiple scenes of sorrow, as this play is considered a tragedy. Like any other Shakespeare play it contains a fallen emperor and a few power hungry characters who will go to any extent to attain the throne and a plotline which contains the one very character whom everyone always assumes to have gone crazy. And, throughout Titus Andronicus there is a vault of craziness by numerous people. The story takes set in Rome during the war between the Goths and the Romans. A Roman guard, also known as the main character Titus Andronicus, had captured the Queen of the Goths and her three sons. The unpleased Tamora due to ritual the offering of her eldest son and failure in war began to relay thoughts of payback with her sons. After the death of Tamora's son, Tamora compells Titus to full sought out revenge and sends her sons to rape Titus' daughter because Titus took Tamora’s eldest. Later, Titus refused the throne feeling he was not fit to rule. So the two brothers Saturnius and Bassianus fight for the throne with Saturnius being the one to prevail. Saturnius vows that he will not spare Mutius if Titus fails to bring him a severed hand of head. Aaron, Titus' son will then turn on Rome and helps to fight with the Goths. Saturninus tells Titus that for his first act as Emperor, he will marry Titus's daughter Lavinia. Titus agrees, although Lavinia is already promised to Bassianus, who refuses to give her up. Titus's sons tell Titus that Bassianus is completely correct under the given circumstances but Titus wants to hear none of it and accuses all of them with treason. A little tussle breaks out, during which Titus kills his own son, Mutius. Saturninus then denounces the Andronicus family for their effort and shocks Titus by marrying Tamora. Next Bassianus is killed by Tamora’s sons but framed on to Titus’ sons in order so that they could rape her. The multiple backstabbing situations, and the war-like setting, add to the tragedy and create a gruesome atmosphere. Saturnius vows that he will not spare Mutius if Titus fails to bring him a severed hand of head. Aaron, Titus' son will then turn on Rome and helps to fight with the Goths. With greater details, I plan to watch the movie of the play and ensure that I will learn every graphic part of the play.

Sunday 4 March 2012


1.  A PLN, literally translated, is a professional learning network. When put into general terms, a PLN is a website or online chat room in which you and others can share information and work to benefit a larger group of people. So basically, the more people, the more knowledge.

2.  There are certain things that are key to having a succesfull time sharing knowledge on a website. A PLN must have:  1) A great search engine to enable the best possible outcomes when trying to look for information
                  2) A large community - this will allow the most amount of  information or knowledge to be viewable for users
                  3) Lastly a great PLN needs a good core. A group of educators or smarter being need to constantly update and upgrade the site for easier and better access

3. A PLN is a great way to get ahead of the post secondary competition. Having access to or being a member of a really good PLN can help you do that. That PLN site that you use may have concrete information that wouldnt be found on a normal search web, so that any normal person wouldnt have access to it, thus gaining an edge over other classmates.

4. I think that many younger employers would definately look into the idea of having an online portfolio instead of on paper because the way the technology is progressing these days, everyone just wants to be on top of the line. Though I do also believe that some older personnel would be angry at even hearing the suggestion.

5. As of now, my current online footprint is very unfriendly to a normal accessor due to the fact that 90 percent of the personal information is false in order to preserve my identity from the unknown virtual world. I intend to keep it that way, but if I was to make it more user friendly, I would create a seperate one just for employers.