Wednesday 21 March 2012

Technology Of The Future!

After reading about the 10 Important Technology Skills Students Need for the Future, I learned that I need to acquire a number of these skills in order to help out my own future. Even as I was growing up, there was a bunch of things that I did not know how to do, and when I attempted to search them through online and software searches, I was unsuccessful in my research. 9/10 times I was unable to locate the answer to my questions. So I definately believe that knowing how to search for things online properly aswell as the help and support searches that you need to answer hardware questions would benefit my future with faster and better searches. Another area of technology that I would benefit from learning would be typing. My typing skills are quite poor and it takes me longer than the average person to type up a report or essay. I am only able to type with 1 finger on both hands, so using the full range of the keyboard with all my fingers would speed up the time it takes for me to write up a report. 1 thing that I do believe is a forte of mine would be security on the interweb. I try to keep all of my files, pictures, contact information etc.. as private as possible. I believe this is a key step in my learning in technology so that the most information possible can be kept private.... UNLIKE the creepy lollipop!!!!!

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