Sunday 4 March 2012


1.  A PLN, literally translated, is a professional learning network. When put into general terms, a PLN is a website or online chat room in which you and others can share information and work to benefit a larger group of people. So basically, the more people, the more knowledge.

2.  There are certain things that are key to having a succesfull time sharing knowledge on a website. A PLN must have:  1) A great search engine to enable the best possible outcomes when trying to look for information
                  2) A large community - this will allow the most amount of  information or knowledge to be viewable for users
                  3) Lastly a great PLN needs a good core. A group of educators or smarter being need to constantly update and upgrade the site for easier and better access

3. A PLN is a great way to get ahead of the post secondary competition. Having access to or being a member of a really good PLN can help you do that. That PLN site that you use may have concrete information that wouldnt be found on a normal search web, so that any normal person wouldnt have access to it, thus gaining an edge over other classmates.

4. I think that many younger employers would definately look into the idea of having an online portfolio instead of on paper because the way the technology is progressing these days, everyone just wants to be on top of the line. Though I do also believe that some older personnel would be angry at even hearing the suggestion.

5. As of now, my current online footprint is very unfriendly to a normal accessor due to the fact that 90 percent of the personal information is false in order to preserve my identity from the unknown virtual world. I intend to keep it that way, but if I was to make it more user friendly, I would create a seperate one just for employers.

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