Wednesday 4 April 2012

ItunesU - Growing Technology

ItunesU is yet another part of our growing technological world!
Its pretty amazing how each and everyday, some peice of new technology comes out to make our lives easier. It's all we do, just find ways to make our lives easier.

ItunesU, while it is yet another part of our growing technology, actually does not just make class easier, but benefits the overall learning curve you achieve at the end of it. It is beneficial to everyone who uses it, whether it be a teacher or a student!

In a normal class of university, you are sitting in a lecture hall with about 300 other classmates. Not only that, but theyre not always the quietest either. 

That is why ItunesU can be beneficial to students. With ItunesU you get to choose the environment in which you get to learn in which could actually help your overall learning. You also get to choose when to listen to the lecutres so youre not on a strict time schedule.

Teachers on the otherhand recieve benefit from this kind of teaching because, they too get to choose when to do the lecutres, but more importantly the environment. When teaching with ItunesU, you have no disruptions throughout the lecture. It is easier to keep a train of thought and that way the lecutre can flow more smoothly.

Cost reduction for this type of learning can be made in little but assertive ways:
                       1) Make sure your internet company is giving you a fair package for your usage
                       2)Turn off any peice of technology when not using it to preserve lifetime
                       3)PLN - using this can help you learn for free in numerous ways!!

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