Monday 2 April 2012

Khans Academy

So... learning in class, but not really in class...

I must say I have been using youtube videos my entire highschool career to study for classes.. I mean its great! You can find almost anything about anything online.

For countless tests, the night before when I am struggling to cram everything I can into my brain to come out with a semi decent mark I turn to things like Khans's Academy. For biology I learned all of mitosis, all the organelles in the cell and more through youtube videos

Math tests are the best... I feel like I dont even have to attend math because I can learn it all on youtube. There are step by step equations and methods of attacking problems all online. They are visual aswell so you can see the professor doing the equation (most commonly on a white board).

Here is one that I used to pass my first Data Management test after I dropped out of Advanced Functions and came to the class 2 days before the first test:

Google is another great place to study for tests:

All you gotta do you is have google as your home page and ask away. You can literally ask google any question about anything and you will almost certainly get an answer to your question. Its astonishing how easy it is.

I believe that online courses are the easiest mark to achieve in highschool now because of these academies and website that hold all of the information that you learn in class!

Khan, amazingly, has by far the biggest database of school education that I have personally ever seen. I do intend to start using his academy if I ever miss a lesson in day school, just to get the background knowledge.

SO... thanks mr chesser, but I got it!

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