Monday 16 April 2012

iTunesU Post numero 4

So you want to know why eh.. well I believe and I'm sure many others would agree with me that.. this is just plain and simply easier.

This world as we evolve we want our own butts wiped by a freakin robot... we are turning into the laziest people there are.

Look at it this way.. 2000 years ago there were tribes going around hunting, fishing, and building all of their own stuff from mother nature.

They were and lived perfectly fine lives and evolved like the human race should... now we are in this booming technological world where its hard to keep up with the latest phone that has come out...

Im not saying I totally disagree with it.. I actually like the idea because I am quite the laze guy myself... HAHA... But that is why teachers are going with this route...

I am sure they get paid for it in one shape or form  but its easier on them and its easier on us.. that it why that happens.. the world just goes round and round...

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