Monday 16 April 2012

Misleading Wikipedia - Shakespeare #2

Growing up through the end of elementary and the beginning of high school, every single "old school" teacher has always told me... WIKIPEDIA HOLDS FALSE INFO! DO NOT USE!!!

Although this may be true in some instances, most times the information can be totally valid.. and if somebody was to change the information then it will be completeley stupid and obvious if its not the only information you use

That is why, my moral for wikipedia is to always look at another more valid site with better information just to make sure that im using correct data and info for my assignements.

For this blog post, I went on wikipedia and all that it had for Mr. Titus Andronicus was that he was a renowned Roman general.. which in this case is 100 percent valid

So there isnt really much to correct there but here are some real true characteristics about Titus Adronicus:
  • Not overbearing (1:7)
  • Not quick-tempered (1:7)
  • Love what is good (1:8)
  • Upright, just (1:8)
  • Holy (1:8)
  • Disciplined (1:8)
  • Hold firmly to the trustworthy message (1:9)

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